George Orwell Meets NYC Restaurants 'Zoom" Cashiers' From The Philippines Hired To Lower Costs
Ethics and Technology in Restaurants
The internet is exploding over this story, with multiple news outlets covering this unique technology-driven business model of using Zoom cashiers from the Philippines. This new trend seems here to stay, as it aims to cut costs and boost client interaction.
In a recent Time Out article. “While some find the semi-virtual experience to be uniquely delightful, others seem uncomfortable by the implications: it’s much cheaper to pay a cashier in the Philippines, where the minimum wage is $186.97 per month, as opposed to abiding by New York City's $16/hour minimum wage law. Needless to say, the Zoom system also takes away jobs from folks who actually live in New York. “
Tipping is also a shared experience between the cashiers in Asia and the local restaurant staff. A worker at Yaso Kitchen in Jersey City said she got $40, adding that she splits tips with her manager and kitchen staff at the restaurant.While there are positives and negatives to the trend, it's becoming more commonplace outside New York.